国際日本武術空手道 | International Japan Karate-Do Association

Karate club SHISEIKAN, Sofia

Technical grade exams

Exam Board and Certificates

Sensei Lachezar Nenov holds an international class "B" license for an examiner up to 3rd Dan including. For Higher Master Degrees, exams are conducted by Sadashige Kato Shihan, 9 Dan, IJKA's master chief instructor.

Student Degrees Certificates (Kyu) are issued by the BFSK.

Master Degrees Certifications (Dan) are issued by IJKA.

Candidates who practice IJKA Asai Ryu and are eligible for an examination with such a quote receive an additional certificate from IJKA in addition to the Shotokan Diploma.

Exam dates:

From the 12th kyu to the 9th kyu, the period between the exams is at least 2 months of uninterrupted workouts. These grades are introduced due to the specifics of working with young children.

From the 8th kyu to the 4th kyu, the period between the exams is at least 4 months of uninterrupted workouts. For practitioners under the age of 15 the period is at least 6 months or at the discretion of the instructor and the examiner.

From 3rd kyu to 1st kyu the term between exams is at least 6 months of uninterrupted workouts.

The trainings must be three times a week in a group, but it is necessary to be emphasized that self-improvement is of utmost importance.

A TEST PROGRAM for the different grades can be found here.