
ШиСейКан – Калиграфия от Шихан Като

SHISEIKAN DOJO is the official representative for Bulgaria of INTERNATIONAL JAPAN KARATE ASSOCIATION ( IJKA) , whose goal is to study and disseminate Traditional Karate in harmony with the traditions bequeathed by Shoto (Gichin Funakoshi). ShiSeiKan is a non-profit legal entity entered in the register of public benefit organizations of the Ministry of Justice, licensed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, as a member of Bulgarian Federation Shotokan Karate Do. Shotokan Karate Do, which we practice in our Dojo, is partly influenced by the ideas and principles taught by Teiji Kase Sensei, but mainly technically our martial art comes from Tetsuhiko Asai Sensei and Sadashige Kato Sensei.

士 – a learned man, a magnificent man, Samurai

聖 – holy, sacred, a saint, a sage, a high priest

館 – a mansion, a palace, a castle

士聖館 –  しせいかん – Shi Sei Kan   Sanctuary of the Warrior
